Mike van Mantgem
Mike earned his editorial expertise by serving in a wide variety of capacities in the publishing industry.
As a senior editor at CBS Interactive, Mike managed numerous properties, directed features departments, and created materials for prominent clients that included LucasArts (Star Wars) and Eidos (Tomb Raider).
As a project editor at large independent presses, Mike managed all aspects of many fiction and nonfiction book projects, from inception to publication.
As an author, he has many books to his publishing credit, with translations appearing in the Russian, Finnish, and Dutch. His fiction has appeared in such places as NPR’s All Things Considered.
Mike is a thoughtful and principled publishing professional who balances the needs of his clients with the demands of the marketplace. He is committed to working collaboratively to explore emerging and diverging ideas, respect each voice individually, and create good works.
Diane Durrett
Diane provides copyediting and proofreading services. Diane’s editorial specialties include nonfiction and fiction book manuscripts. Her areas of experience and interest include self-help, health, gardening, how-to, cooking, fiction, sustainable living, and business. She holds a BA in English from the University of California, Sacramento, and completed the copyediting certificate program at the University of California, San Diego.
Diane has held in-house positions in rights and permissions, business development, and editorial for numerous publishers including Prima Publishing, Macmillan Computer Publishing, ZDNet, Inc. (a division of C|Net Networks), and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).
Diane has proficient knowledge of The Chicago Manual of Style, Garner’s Dictionary of Modern American Usage, and Recipes into Type, and various house styles. She has experience working with various styles of page layout and design.